How it works

Myndr hands over control of the internet to the teacher. It’s simple - five different modes of internet access, from just the class material to open (and safe) web surfing.

Turning the Myndr dial lets you easily switch from more internet to less internet, or vice versa.

When the dial is turned and the access settings change, the Myndr-dial sends a signal to the filter that sits in the browsers of the student laptops, checking every window and tab that is currently open.

Within 10 seconds, websites are blocked or opened up to correspond to the dial settings. Being able to control what your students can do on their devices makes the class more focused and productive.

The specifics

With Myndr, teachers are able to determine which websites are filtered out and which are made accessible to their students. All in a way that doesn’t affect other classes or teachers.

Is the school network affected?

It isn’t. The Myndr dial works outside of the school network, because it makes use of the NB-IoT-network. This means that nothing needs to be changed in the current system or in the school network settings.

The students’ laptops connect with Myndr through an extension. When the dial is turned, the extension uses the school’s internet connection to access the commands from Myndr, and then executes them to adjust internet access.

What is needed for this?

The filter extension is installed on the laptops of students. The laptop of each student will be connected to the Myndr dial of the student’s classroom.

The installation as well as the linking between laptop and switch can all be done through Google Admin Console or Microsoft Intune.

That's it.

The Myndr extension is available on Chromebook and on Windows 10 laptops (Chrome- or Edge-browsers)

The 5 modes

The Myndr dial has five different settings for internet access: from just the basic school setting to open (and safe) web surfing.

Basic School setting

Allow access only to a school-defined minimal package of internet sites and services Schoology etc.
No social media, YouTube, gaming, or practice websites.

Work without distraction

Students can access select educational resources and practice sites. No social media, gaming or YouTube, though.

Safe sources

Students can access more educational resources, such as Wikipedia, company websites or government websites and practice websites. Still no YouTube, gaming or social media.

Time to relax

YouTube and gaming is now unblocked, but still no social media access. Access is still available to educational resources, practice sites, and previously available websites.

Open and safe internet access

Students have freedom in their internet use - social media is unblocked as well as all the previously allowed websites. Myndr continues to block malware, adult content, and advertisements.

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